Arduino Modbus library doesn't support floats
Hello everybody.
I'm using jpmzometa modbus library with mango and works like a charm, but it has a little big... issue: it doesn't support floats.
If I make an analog read I will get a 0-1023 value and I can send it with the library but I need to make some operations in mango to convert it to the temperature, pressure,.. value.
But sometimes 4 byte precision is needed to send or receive calculations.
How can I make some trick to send and receive floats? Think in a network with 15 arduinos sending/receiving 10 floats each one.
Thank you.
Just to confirm, this is not a Mango question, correct? I assume you would need a Modbus impl for Arduino that supports floats.
Yes, you're right.
And, if somebody is listening... I would need a Modbus library for Arduino that supports floats.
But, mlohbihler, is it possible to make a trick to use 2+2 bytes to get a 4 byte float?
Thank you
I'm not sure of the capabilities in Arduino, but i suppose at the least you could get fixed decimal precision, if not floating point. If you can take a value in Arduino that is, say, a decimal(10,5), i.e. 5 orders of magnitude on each side of the decimal place. With 4 bytes you can store from 0 to 4,294,967,295, or 0 to 42,949.67296 if you divide by 100000. So, multiply the number by 100000 and store in 2 x 2 bytes. Then in Mango read the number as a 4 byte unsigned int and give it a multiplier of 0.00001. I think that should do it.
The problem with the library is it doesn't support 4 byte types. The writer of the library says that the canonical (and old) rtu specification doesn't support 4 byte types.
thank you