Priority Array
I'm new to BACNet. I wrote a small controller to expose some BACNet objects and some properies. But when I try to write a value to a property using CAS BACNet Explorer using priority other than 'undefined' it's giving an error. Will you be able to give me a working example with priority arrays.thanks
sb -
What's the error?
... and what object type are you trying to write to?
I'm writing to analogoutput type of objects.
When I write thru the CAS BACNet explorer with priority of 1 it says write access denied and on the java log I could see the listener method "allowPropertyWrite" was called but not the "propertyWritten" method. But when I write with undefined priority both methods are being called.this is how I'm definiing the object properties:
ao0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.objectName, new CharacterString(wp.getName()));
ao0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.presentValue, new Real(1)); ao0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.outOfService, new Boolean(false));
ao0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.units, EngineeringUnits.percent);
ao0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.description, new CharacterString("31233232132"));
ao0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.timeDelay, new UnsignedInteger(90));
ao0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.priorityArray, new PriorityArray());
ao0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.relinquishDefault, new Real(0));thanks for your immediate response.
SB -
Priority array handling and commandable values had not been implemented. I have added that now, but you'll need to check out the latest source and build into a jar with ANT.
Thanks. it worked.
Cool. Note that there are a couple limitations in the implementation.
- The min on/off times for binaries (priority 6) are not coded.
- The timing stuff around access doors is also not done.