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Help defining Controller with Custom Dashboard and UserModule
I am attempting to add an Angular Controller to provide custom Dashboard control. I am having issues with getting the Controller registered properly and am currently receiving the following error:
Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'myDemoController' is not a function, got Object at mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=50b41cf5dc12c51d5d91:336:837 at ke (mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=50b41cf5dc12c51d5d91:336:11241) at je (mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=50b41cf5dc12c51d5d91:336:11358) at mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=50b41cf5dc12c51d5d91:336:60348 at mangoUi~ngMango.js?v=e40cb7ee45260acf61ab:50:1715 at mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=50b41cf5dc12c51d5d91:336:50964 at ie (mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=50b41cf5dc12c51d5d91:336:51053) at mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=50b41cf5dc12c51d5d91:336:44909 at ie (mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=50b41cf5dc12c51d5d91:336:52002) at mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=50b41cf5dc12c51d5d91:336:44909
I have a userModule.js (yes, the myDashboardHelpers.js should be in a better folder):
define((require) => angular .module("userModule", ["maUiApp"]) .component("emsTrend", require("./components/trend/trend.js")) .directive('svgStyle', require('./directives/svgStyle.js')) .component("view", require("./components/view/view.js")) .controller("myDemoController", require("./directives/myDashboardHelpers.js")) );
A myDashboardHelpers.js of:
define(['angular', 'require'], function(angular, require) { 'use strict'; var myDashboardModule = angular.module('myDashboardModule', ['maUiApp']); myDashboardModule.controller('myDemoController', ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.demoMode = 'STOPPED'; $scope.stepDemo = function() { $scope.demoMode = 'STEP'; }; $scope.runDemo = function() { $scope.demoMode = 'RUN'; }; }]); return myDashboardModule; });
And a Dashboard Markup of:
<md-card flex="" layout="row" layout-wrap="" layout-align="space-between" ng-controller="myDemoController"> <md-card-content layout="column"> <ma-button id="9d571d5d-32ab-4949-9ddc-891f68f4b28b" raised="true" label="STEP" onclick="stepDemo()"></ma-button> <ma-button id="f3e1e931-62e2-4ddd-93d3-05a2787c0f6c" raised="true" label="RUN" onclick="runDemo()"></ma-button> </md-card-content> <md-card-content layout="column"> <p>MODE:{{demoMode}}</p> </md-card-content> </md-card>
I have been searching for the error in my ways on the forum and web with no luck. I am running Mango Automation core Version 5.2.1. Thanks in advance for any guidance on a solution / best practice ;-)
var myDashboardModule = angular.module('myDashboardModule', ['maUiApp']); myDashboardModule.controller(
Looks like you're making the same call twice to me
Just wrap your controller in a function and return the function itself.Check out the component I wrote in the forum for 'faceplate'. Despite it being a component, you'd do it the same way for a controller.
Hope that gives you something to work with
@MattFox Thanks, but I am feeling dumb here. I tried to find the 'faceplate' component example and could not find it on the forum....
@mfitzgerald_wavetech sorry, face plate -
@MattFox Thanks! Looks comprehensive. I will work thru the example. Greatly Appreciated!!!