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encoding problem of output at DiscoveryTest
I modified a little.
That is, instead of System.out.println(pvs); of main() function, I substitued it with
"for (ObjectIdentifier objectIdentifier : oids) {
System.out.println(pvs.getString(objectIdentifier, PropertyIdentifier.description));
}".Of course, I added "refs.add(oid, PropertyIdentifier.description);" at addPropertyReferences() function of the
But, the ouput encoding is not right at System.out, so breaked font strings are printed which is originally east asia character.
So I want to know how to change encoding settings of PropertyValues or RequestUtils.readProperties().
Any suggestions are appreciated. -
Hi mirvana,
I am not 100% certain, but I would guess the data type of these properties is a CharacterString? If so it looks like the encoding should be in the received ByteQueue. So, I wonder if there's a setting on the other device?
It doesn't look like there's any way to set a character encoding setting more globally, but maybe I'm missing something. It looks like it prefers ASCII when it is doing something like setting the properties for rendering a BinaryValue, but that other encodings should be supported for reading.
Thank you for your answering.
By the way, the return result of PropertyValues.getString() is String, not CharacterString.
And, PropertyValues.getString() use Encodable, internally.
But I got the hint that is changing the return string to CharacterString which has encoding setting, from your help.
I' ll do it first and reply again. -
I'm afraid that the way using CharacterString would be not likely working because I already had used the way of String.getBytes() which is not working and CharacterString.encode() use the way even though I use the function through CharacterString.writeImpl().
I think maybe I have to use the matter about socket, because Bacnet4J use socket network.
Any helps are appreciated. -
I suspect you're right that it's the output stream. I googled for that and found this stack overflow thread, if it's helpful:
Thank you.
But the content of the link says it relates java option matter, it seems doubtful a little for me about it.
I'll try it anyway.