Pie Chart Labels
Trying to change the labels on my pie chart to a lighter colour as they are a little difficult to see on the dark theme.
Feel like I have tried every which way but no luck.....
Is this possible? If so, where / how in the code below (using dashboard designer) can I make this happen?
<div class="ma-designer-root" id="512ad84b-b5ba-4fda-b49b-28650948c4f8" style="width: 1366px; height: 768px; position: relative;" ma-center="false" ma-maintain-ratio="letterbox" ma-scale-to="ma-ui-page-view"> <ma-get-point-value id="7ee2d296-13cd-4f5f-a504-a97d507db252" style="position: absolute; left: 138.704px; top: 1px;" point-xid="terrPlaceDP_b23647a7-d761-49cd-b257-2fd768d52515" point="myPoint"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-point-statistics id="0f3c9247-5ab4-4ae4-a846-9f9835ebbb0e" from="dateBar.from" to="dateBar.to" first-last="false" rendered="true" style="position: absolute; left: 1.0625px; top: 1px;" point="myPoint" statistics="statsObj"></ma-point-statistics> <ma-pie-chart id="bd979a4a-5c10-4d4b-971b-08c59b6c4f6a" style="position: absolute; width: 833px; height: 451px; left: 0px; top: 23px;" values="statsObj.startsAndRuntimes" value-labels="myPoint.rendererMap()" options="{depth3D:25,angle:30}"></ma-pie-chart> </div>
I'm green with this stuff so go easy.
Thanks again In advance.
For some reason the defaults options don't have
addClassNames: true
, if you set the options attribute like below it will add the CSS class names to the pie chart SVG and the labels will get a more visible color (there is a style in the default style sheet already).options="{depth3D:15, angle:30, addClassNames: true}"
Thank Jared,
That is the go!