Script to restart mango
Is there a way to restart the mango server from a script (like a RuntimeManager.restartInstance command)? I've been playing around with Mango (2.8.6 version) on a raspberry pi 3 and after a while, memory goes down. Once the JVM shows around 160MB free memory left, it will occasionally crash requiring a hard reboot. Is there a cheap and easy fix for now to just do a server restart? Not the ideal or finish solution, but will work for the time being..
Hi Dan,
I did it by looking the PID of java, as Mango is a java application in the linux env.
I made a bash program like that:
#!/bin/bash if pgrep "java" > /dev/null then exit 0 else sh /opt/mango/bin/ start > /dev/null exit 1 fi
And put this into a crontab like every x minutes which will check if the java application has crashed or not. If it has then it restarts the mango instance. You can put a reboot command after else so that it will reboot instead of relaunching the application.
Hi Dan,
One of the easiest ways to ensure Mango restarts on crash is to
touch /path/to/mango/RESTART
which will cause
script to start Mango again when the currently running Mango finishes. Scripts in Mango/bin/ext-enabled are called with the first argument 'restart'To your question, yes it is possible to schedule a restart from within a Mango script, but there aren't any wrapper hooks, so you have to do it the same way the modules page would,
com.serotonin.m2m2.web.dwr.ModulesDwr.scheduleRestart(); //Schedule restart for ten seconds from now.
or you can get whatever delay you want,
var timeout = com.serotonin.m2m2.Common.getMillis(com.serotonin.m2m2.Common.TimePeriods.MINUTES, 17); var lifecycle = com.serotonin.provider.Providers.get(com.serotonin.m2m2.IMangoLifecycle.class); lifecycle.scheduleShutdown( timeout, true /* restart */, null);