"Deploying" custom page
How to startup on custom page with no (or custom) menus or headers - that is, full screen with all content within the page enclosing <div>?
where is index.html / js for page located? The address is /ui/pagename, which I assumed to be at /web/modules/mangoUI/web/ui/pagename, but wrong... is the page wrapped in a component somewhere.
simply how does one "deploy" a custom page?
I would recommend the following
- Create a custom page from within the UI module and save it
- Create a menu itcon for it
- Choose "Root - top level" as the "Parent item" so that no menu/toolbar is displayed
To make the page the default page when you log in go to "System settings" -> "UI module" and set the following URL
great! thank you, @Jared-Wiltshire.
Now, where might I find the actual file?