Bar chart issues
Has anyone had any issues with bar charts sometimes not displaying values on first load? I sometimes load up a chart and nothing shows however the little red line when you hover over the chart shows values. I don't know how to reproduce the issue it just seems to happen occasionally
Its possible that this is related -
We haven't got to the bottom of it yet. Can you send me any more details/code?
Interesting, so here's something on this topic. I calculate a piece of data every 5 mins and historize it. Usually if I go look at the bar chart for a day it comes up no problem, occasionally it has an issue. However, I just found that if it's working and I switch to a week I see like the last quarter of the chart fill up for a second or two and then it all vanishes. From that point even going back to a day or any other time frame I get no bar chart data.
Can I do anything more to help with this, I have this happen all the time
@psysak I haven't had a chance to look into this yet. I'll see if I can reproduce it and fix it in the next release. If you could come up with a simple page and post the source to help me reproduce the issue that would be helpful.