Max and low limit lines on serial chart
I'm working with serial charts coding. At the moment I have chart showing two series and it works fine. First series is for temperature and the second is for humidity,
But I want to add maximum and minimum limit lines (horizontal) to that chart too. So it would be 3 lines - min and max for temperature and max for humidity.I tried with guides:
options="{guides: [{fillAlpha: 0.25,value: 20, color: blue }]}"
It's almost what I need but this way I can only add one line on chart.
Do you have any ideas how to add more lines to chart ?
This should do the trickoptions="{guides: [{fillAlpha: 0, value: 20, lineColor: 'blue', lineAlpha:0.5 }, {fillAlpha: 0, value: 40, lineColor: 'green', lineAlpha:0.5 }]}"
edit. Seems like the
property is overridden by the CSS currently. You'll have to use a style tag to set their colors.Set the options like this.
options="{guides: [{fillAlpha: 0, value: 40, lineAlpha:0.7, id:'top' }, {fillAlpha: 0, value: 20, lineAlpha:0.7, id:'bottom' }]}"
Then add a style tag like this
<style> .amcharts-guide-top { stroke: red; } .amcharts-guide-bottom { stroke: blue; } </style>
Thanks for help. Now it's fine :)