Data Sources and Devices - Basic Example Bug
I think I've discovered a bug in the Examples > Basics > Data Sources and Devices when trying to choose a data source, Please see screenshot below.
Hi Silvia,
Are you by chance using the MBus or MQTT data sources?
No, it looks like the model wasn't fully implemented yet. But, that's not a very long task so I will ensure that gets looked at today. It shouldn't be throwing a RuntimeException saying "IMPLEMENT ME" just because it exists!
I have two binary points in a MQTT data source.
One of them is settable and the other isn't, and I can't work out why.I've tried editing the data points and giving set permission to user and superadmin, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. The 'settable' checkbox that appears with other data source types isn't present via MQTT.
Any ideas, please?
An MQTT point is considered settable if its "Publish topic" is not empty.
You can update to MQTT 3.1.1 now. Hopefully an MBus fix is along shortly as well.
Thanks @phildunlap, both things are working now :)
Glad to hear it! Thanks for bringing this to our attention.