Data Source DataFile
Hi Phillip,
In the data source "DataFile", you can define the character of the columns in a csv file, in the ejmplo use the separation with "," but in the file that will use uses the character ";"
Hi Jerg,
I am not sure what 'ejmplo' is.
You cannot configure the CSV type to parse on another character, but you can do that easily enough in the importRow method as String[] row will have your string at index zero. So...
public void importRow(String[] row, int rowNum) { if(row.length == 0) return; String[] rowData = row[0].split(";"); /* use rowData instead ... this.parsedPoints.add(new AlphanumericImportPoint( rowData[0], ... )); */ }
Hi Phillips.
Attachment fragment of our CSV file, as you can see the same uses as ";" character. In the example in Mango use ","
PVSolarPlant;InsCap(kW);From yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm;To yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm;UTC offset(HHmm);Forecast(kWh);Rad(W/m2)
PV Solar;4920;2017-05-31 15:00;2017-05-31 16:00;UTC-0500;1547;284
PV Solar;4920;2017-05-31 16:00;2017-05-31 17:00;UTC-0500;866;151
PV Solar;4920;2017-05-31 17:00;2017-05-31 18:00;UTC-0500;413;66
PV Solar;4920;2017-05-31 18:00;2017-05-31 19:00;UTC-0500;103;19
PV Solar;4920;2017-05-31 19:00;2017-05-31 20:00;UTC-0500;0;0
PV Solar;4920;2017-05-31 20:00;2017-05-31 21:00;UTC-0500;0;0
PV Solar;4920;2017-05-31 21:00;2017-05-31 22:00;UTC-0500;0;0
PV Solar;4920;2017-05-31 22:00;2017-05-31 23:00;UTC-0500;0;0
PV Solar;4920;2017-05-31 23:00;2017-06-01 00:00;UTC-0500;0;0
PV Solar;4920;2017-06-01 00:00;2017-06-01 01:00;UTC-0500;0;0
PV Solar;4920;2017-06-01 01:00;2017-06-01 02:00;UTC-0500;0;0
PV Solar;4920;2017-06-01 02:00;2017-06-01 03:00;UTC-0500;0;0
PV Solar;4920;2017-06-01 03:00;2017-06-01 04:00;UTC-0500;0;0
PV Solar;4920;2017-06-01 04:00;2017-06-01 05:00;UTC-0500;0;0
PV Solar;4920;2017-06-01 05:00;2017-06-01 06:00;UTC-0500;0;0 -
Hi Jerg,
Did you attempt the solution I provided?
Something like....
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import com.infiniteautomation.datafilesource.contexts.AbstractCSVDataSource; import com.infiniteautomation.datafilesource.dataimage.NumericImportPoint; public class JergForumCsvQuestion extends AbstractCSVDataSource { private boolean headersConsumed = false; private SimpleDateFormat dtf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); @Override public void importRow(String[] data, int rowNum) { if(data.length == 0) return; Map<String, String> extraParams = new HashMap<>(); String[] rowData = data[0].split(";"); if(rowData.length < 7) //avoid index out of bounds return; try { //subtract the timezone, or you could put it into the date formatter (or add the timezone, //it's not always easy to know if they're saying those times are in UTC-5 or those times are UTC) long time = dtf.parse(rowData[3]).getTime() - 5*60*60*1000; this.parsedPoints.add(new NumericImportPoint("PV Solar kWh", Double.valueOf(rowData[5]), time, extraParams)); this.parsedPoints.add(new NumericImportPoint("PV Solar W/m^2", Double.valueOf(rowData[6]), time, extraParams)); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } }