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Legends in Line chart are not showing.
I am using the example code in my SPA mango application page. but not able to see the legends. I can see the chart but not able to see the legends only. Can anyone please help me on that.
Below is my code snippet -
<md-tabs md-dynamic-height md-border-bottom>
<md-tab label="History">
<div layout="row">
<md-input-container flex="">
<label>Choose a point</label>
<ma-point-list limit="200" ng-model="point1"></ma-point-list>
</div><div layout="row" layout-xs="column" class="no-errors-spacer"> <md-input-container flex=""> <label>Date preset</label> <ma-date-range-picker from="from" to="to" preset="LAST_1_DAYS" update-interval="1 minutes"></ma-date-range-picker> </md-input-container> <md-input-container flex=""> <label>From date</label> <ma-date-picker ng-model="from"></ma-date-picker> </md-input-container> <md-input-container flex=""> <label>To date</label> <ma-date-picker ng-model="to"></ma-date-picker> </md-input-container> </div> <ma-point-values point="point1" values="point1Values" from="from" to="to" rollup="AVERAGE" auto-rollup-interval="true"></ma-point-values> <ma-serial-chart style="height: 300px; width: 100%" series-1-values="point1Values" series-1-point="point1" legend="true" balloon="true" export="true"></ma-serial-chart> </md-tab> </md-tabs>
@SabariGhosh You have the export="true" option specified so it should be working. Can you supply a screenshot of what is actually happing with the developer console open so we can see if there are any errors. Also please provide your:
- Core version
- Dashboards module version
- API module version