ma-gauge-chart customisation
Hi Guys,
I'm using the Admin Template, and trying to insert some ma-gauge-chart gauges.
My colour theme is dark, so I've been trying to change the default black text/tick marks/needle on the guages, but I've had no luck.
I've been trying to use the options="" and passing in options from here:
It looks like when I pass in values via the options property, the gauge disappears, causes rendering issues for the rest of the page, or behaves like there is no value being passed to it. I'm probably getting the syntax horribly wrong.
Does some one have a working example they can share with me?
Hey shaun, I'd suggest the easiest way to set the colors on the gauge charts would be to use CSS. e.g.
<style> .amcharts-gauge-arrow, .amcharts-gauge-arrow-nail { fill: red; stroke: red; } .amcharts-gauge-axis { fill: green; stroke: green; } .amcharts-axis-line { fill: inherit; stroke: inherit; } .amcharts-axis-label { fill: inherit; stroke: inherit; } .amcharts-axis-tick, .amcharts-axis-tick-minor { fill: inherit; stroke: inherit; } </style>
Thanks Jared,
This worked perfectly :)