Mbus update causes errors
My M-bus communication have been very stable in the past but now it has started to fail.
This was triggered by the latest update where there was a M-bus sw update.
I have the same setup as before but now I get following error messages in the log file:
"FATAL 2016-08-19 11:09:11,461 (com.serotonin.m2m2.mbus.MBusDataSourceRT.doPoll:142) - too many dataBlocks found"
And in the alarms page the message is:
"High priority task: com.serotonin.m2m2.util.timeout.TimeoutTask@136986e was rejected because it is already running" -
I changed the behavoir of the m-bus datablock detection.
I recommend to:- make a new discovery of your m-bus.
- note the (new) index of the datablock you are interested in.
- Use the edit function to set the noted index of step 2.. - It should now work.
Can you give me the manufacturer/medium of the meter? - maybe some specs as well?
You mean the "Datablock Index" ?
This and the only I could find "index" are set to -1 on all my data points.
Even so, a new way of detection should not affect the existing already defined data sources in a sw upgrade ?
I will give it a try.
Is the timeout alarm connected to this? it showed up at the same upgrade./Per
I have now redefined all my data points under Mbus.
it seams to have solved my problems.
Data-block index was "-1 " on all data points in the earlier definition, now they show up as different index values./Per
I am lucky to only have 10 data point under Mbus....
Model and so...:
Actaris CF ECHO II Qp 2.5
0_1471819501872_CFECHO-II-15mm-50mm.pdf// Per