DSMR Dutch Smart Reader P1 > BACnet IP
I would like to get a DSMR meter conected with the P1-poort to BACnet IP. The P1 is an serial connection wich dumps every 10 sec some data to the serial poort. I have a example of the data witch I collected with CoolTerm. Can I use the serial data source? I've tried that and the log file is different than de data with CoolTerm.
Can you help me?
Hi Frank,
It is not possible to use BACnet directly?
What I see in your log is a message growing and not getting consumed, so I don't think your regex / point identifier setup is matching. Also, the log is in hexidecimal, so that probably explains a large portion of the difference in what the logs show.
I think the serial data source should be able to parse data from anything that can be matched with a regular expression. In practice, this is almost anything except potentially infinitely nested data or complex structures, such as Json. But, grabbing fields from Json isn't so tricky.
If you're going to be using the serial data source though, I think you will find developing easier if you use a configuration during testing that will catch everything and save it to a data point. I have described a configuration to do this in the first half of my first post of this thread: http://infiniteautomation.com/forum/topic/2274/serial-data-source-trouble-to-show-value-from-com-port/2
Hello phildunlap,
So far so good. What I'm getting now is:
I want to extract 3 value's
(0-1:24.2.1)(m3)(value_3)How will the regex looks like?
It's important to know if these messages are coming in all at once, or in pieces. Judging from the log in your first message, they are coming in pieces and the reason it is such a large message is that no points had consumed the message when you created the point that read everything. I will operate under the assumption those values will arrive in separate messages for this first part of the response.
You can have a configuration like the following:
DATA SOURCE: Use terminator: No Message Regex: .*(1-0:1.8.1|1-0:1.8.2|\(0-1:24.2.1\)\(m3\)).* Point Identifier Group: 1 Configuration in Hex: No DATA POINT 1-0:1.8.1 Data Type: Numeric Point Identifier: 1-0:1.8.1 Value Group: 1 Value Regex .*1-0:1.8.1\((\d+[.]\d+)kWh\).*
And perhaps you can figure out the other two data points.
On the other hand, if they are all in one message, you can use the same configuration as you have getting that long value (the catch all), and you'll have three different points with empty identifiers. Then you'll use settings for the data point like:
Value Regex: .*1-0:1.8.1\((\d+[.]\d+)kWh\) Value Index: 1
Also, looking at your data, you may have a terminator in your messages, \n, which you could use on the data source to separate the messages to match on.