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Socket server to serial bridge
@phildunlap That's really nice. Is there a module to install or another way to get it working in my current installation? If you have a beta version I would like to test it.
I sent you an email with some instructions. It's for Mango 2.7.10
Thank you so much!
Got no luck with that, when saving I got the message: No contextual field found for key bufferSize.
I believe I'll have to wait until the official release.
Thank you again for your kindness.
Be sure to try it after clearing your browser cache and deleting the Mango/work/jsp directory!
I did that, I am sure... I stop the instance, cleared cache, deleted work/jsp and restarted Mango.
That still sounds like it's a JSP problem, not a problem with the classes. Can you check that Mango/overrides/web/WEB-INF/jsp/systemSettings.jsp is where we placed that file? You may have to overwrite the version located in Mango/web/WEB-INF/jsp/ but be sure to back it up.
It is still the same, I've check the file path, it was right. Also I replaced the orginal file, stop, deleted work/jsp diretory, cleared cache and start again with no success.
Ah! I found the problem. You need to edit Mango/web/WEB-INF/dwr.xml
Near the bottom are the lines:
<convert converter="bean" match=""> <param name="include" value="portName,type"/> </convert> <convert converter="bean" match=""> </convert>
Add this right after it:
<convert converter="bean" match=""> </convert>
This will require a restart of Mango to get detected.
It works!
But, now I realize I need another feature, I need to bind two 2 TCP ports.
It will be used to connect a PLC with Modbus IP via GSM/GPRS. (it doesn't work with serial connection)
The PLC will connect to a socket server and I need another TCP port to connect the datasource (Modbus IP). Like a gateway,
Do you believe it is possible for next release?
I'm not sure what you mean. If you just wish to forward a TCP connection through a server, there are many proxies which exist to serve that need. If you need to do some processing on it i understand passing it through Mango, but if you are just directing one socket to another there are lots of options to perform that proxying.
You're right, at this time I am using the software from PLC manufacturer, but sometimes it freezes, so I thought it would be nice to have it on Mango.
Here is my cenario: The PLC connects to its server trough a TCP port and Mango connects to another port and starts the comunication.
I tried to found another solution, maybe I am not looking for the right name.
I will keep trying, thank you so much for your attention and kindness.
It sounds to me like you may be able to do some iptables stuff and let the operating system handle everything. Check out this link (but I did not test its contents):
Thank you again.
About the serial socket server you sent me, I did some tests with a GSM-RS485 converter, it works for first read, them it stops and trow this error:
com.serotonin.modbus4j.exception.ModbusTransportExceptiono: Socket connection not established.
I know the device is connected because it shows me its connection status.
So, you have the bridge device making a TCP connection to Mango, then Mango doing Modbus out the virtual port connected to that server socket?
Are there any options on the GSM-RS485? Specifically, are you using TCP or TCP with keep-alive? I would recommend going with keep-alive, as I would speculate the bridge is closing the connection, perhaps. Is there more to the stack trace in the log?